CrossCraft: Custom Crosswords
Dive into an extensive range of topics from categories like General Knowledge (like Pop Culture), Movie Franchises (like Harry Potter), Sports (like Football), or Programming (like Flutter).
Blend provided topics with your own question-answer pairs to craft unique and meaningful crosswords, perfect for educators, parents, or event organizers.
Choose from 5 sizes (XS to XL) and 3 shapes (square, portrait, landscape) to suit any occasion or challenge level.
Tailor the challenge with 3 difficulty levels, ensuring fun and engagement for all ages and skill levels.
Engage with crosswords directly within the app, whether you're online or offline, thanks to local on-device generation.
Easily export and share your creations, or print them out for physical play. Ideal for special events like birthdays, Christmas gatherings, and more.
With unlimited crossword generation, your puzzle potential is endless.
Enjoy the app and its puzzles in 7 different languages, making it accessible and enjoyable for a diverse global audience.